Best papers


The 3 best conference papers, presented at the 3rd International Conference on Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence (ICPRAI 2022), will be selected and afforded an award.All papers presented at the ICPRAI 2022 conference are eligible (including special sessions). A selection committee will be appointed by the ICPRAI Program Chairs, papers will be judged based on technical merit, originality, potential impact on the field, clarity of the written paper, and quality of the conference presentation.

For the 3 winning papers, we will offer them to extend their work and invite them to submit an article in a Special Section of the Pattern Recognition Letters (Elsevier) journal. Note that a a significant extension of the awarded papers will be requested to meet with the PRL requirements. More details will be given in the coming weeks.

Scheduled submission period: October 1 - October 20 2022

Three best papers awards were afforded:

  • The first prize went to the paper “A Hierarchical Prototypical Network for Few-Shot Remote Sensing Scene Classification” by Manal Hamzaoui, Laetitia Chapel, Minh-Tan Pham, and Sebastien Lefevre
  • Second prize went to the paper “An Oculomotor Digital Parkinson Biomarker: From a Deep Riemannian Representation” by Juan Olmos, Antoine Manzanera, and Fabio Martinez
  • Third prize went to the paper “Robust detection of conversational groups using a voting scheme and a memory process” by Victor Fortier, Isabelle Bloch, and Catherine Pelachaud

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